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How to select a senior-friendly bed step stool?

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The fastest-growing demographic in the USA belongs to the age group of 65 and above. As life expectancy improves, nearly 90% of adults over 50 prefer to age in place in the comfort of their homes. Moreover, the recent pandemic has made everyone rethink how they live and how to keep their home safe, especially for the elderly. These factors drive the discussion about elders living independently and how one can improve their daily life with the help of mobility devices and modern technology. 

bed step stool for seniors

With age, mobility in the elderly reduces due to muscle atrophy and weakened joints. As a result, simple tasks like climbing stairs or even getting in and out of bed seem challenging. Moreover, there is a constant threat of falls and injury—a leading cause of hospitalization among the elderly. Also, medical conditions like arthritis or knee and hip joint pain can lead to a shifting gait rather than a stepping one. 

While it may seem like a grim situation, mobility aids can make the lives of seniors much safer. Staying mobile helps the elderly secure confidence and improve their quality of life. 

Let’s look at one such aid—the bed step stool—that makes the bedroom safe for seniors. 

Having a bed step stool for the elderly

Ageing affects gait, spatial awareness, and lower body strength. Although physical exercise can mitigate many problems, those dealing with medical issues like Alzheimer’s, arthritis, or post-surgery recovery, need mobility devices that improve stability and balance. 

A sturdy step stool for the bed can reduce the threat of falls and slips while getting in and out of bed. They are mostly affordable and make the bedroom safer. 

However, selecting the right kind of bed stool step is crucial. Steps for bed come in different sizes, materials and features that may or may not suit the elderly. Some may also consider a bed stool a bulky item that blocks their space and may seem like an eyesore. Nevertheless, sturdy bed steps for the elderly are a vital mobility aid and assists in independent living

senior friendly bedside step stool

How to select a senior-friendly bed step stool

While selecting bedside steps for the elderly, one must consider a senior individual’s comfort, ability and needs. Finding the different types of stools available in the market and comparing the cost, feasibility, and features that are ideal for seniors is crucial. Let’s look at some of the key factors to consider before buying a senior-friendly bed step stool: 

  1. Height – Not all bed steps stools are of the same height. While some step stools have a fixed height, others have the advantage of height adjustment to suit your needs. Look for stools that suit high beds or are height adjustable. This is helpful in the long run as you may always shift to another location or change your bed.  
  2. Usage – Determine how often you will be using the bed step stool. Will you need it all the time, or would you prefer to have it around only once in a while? This will help you narrow down your choice of getting a portable, stable, lightweight, and compact bed step stool.
  3. Cost – The cost of a bed step stool varies with the material used and stability of the mobility aid. A low-cost foldable stool may suffice for seniors who are mobile and do not need much support. However, they are dangerous as they wear and tear over the years, making them more prone to slips. Those struggling with balance require reliable and sturdy steel step stools with features like grab rails and wide, anti-slip steps for added support and safety. While discussing the cost, one must understand that a safety investment made at the right time can prevent hefty medical bills in the future. Also, many options are available for finding the right mobility aid for seniors, including cost-effective refurbished bed step stools
  4. Additional support – For older adults with limited mobility, the support of handrails and grab bars increases their stability and confidence. Look for bed stools with handles for the elderly that aid them to step up without having to hoist themselves with their upper bodies. 
  5. Stability – Narrow step stools can be a hazard rather than a support. Seniors are at risk of missing the step entirely and slipping and hurting themselves in the process. A large stepping area ensures the entire foot can rest safely on the step. Moreover, a wide, slip-resistant landing of a well-assembled bed step stool ensures seniors can place both feet on the bed step stool at the same time.
  6. Sturdiness – Look for sturdy bed stools for the elderly with a greater load-bearing capacity that is essential for older adults for bariatric use. A robust step stool uses strong material like reinforced steel with soft foam padding on the grab handles to take weights of 400-800 lbs. 
  7. Added safety – Most accidents of falls and slips happen at night. To alleviate this concern, choose bed steps that offer additional night safety features like a motion-activated night light, glow-in-the-dark tips, and padded steel grab bars. 

Expert recommendation

Vince Baiera, a former nurse, worked in the Cardiac ICU at The Cleveland Clinic and Duke University Hospital. Having extensive experience working with the elderly, he resolved to find a solution to make their living space safer. The Step2Bed - a safe and simple mobility aid for seniors, is his invention to enable the elderly get in and out of bed safely. According to medical testimonials and reviews, it is one of the finest alternatives for those with Alzheimer’s, dementia, joint pain, and other mobility difficulties.

Final Thoughts

Caring for the elderly involves understanding their unique needs. Modern aids and inventions have assisted in making aging in place safer and simpler. Whether you are an older adult or a caregiver, making the right choices can enrich lives with confidence and much-valued independence. If you are still wondering which is the best bed stool for the elderly, here is the next step for you – How to choose the best bed step stool for the elderly


How to Choose the Right Bedside Step Stool for Your Needs?

It is best to select a suitable bedside step stool after considering your mobility needs. Look for step stools that offer excellent stability like wide landing, handles, non-slip feet and safety features like motion-activated lights for nighttime. 


Can you stand on the top step of a step stool?

It is advisable not to stand on the top step of a standard step stool of more than three steps. Instead, safety norms advise standing on the last but one step and using the grab handle for stabilizing your body. 


How high should a step stool be?

The use of a step stool determines the height. If you wish to use it as a bedside step stool, it must match your bed’s height. A step stool usually has 2 to 3 steps and is up to 32 inches in height for general purposes.


How do you get into a tall bed?

Using a bed step stool is the best way to get in and out of a tall bed without risking a fall. A single step stool with adjustable height makes it easy to adapt to any bed height. 

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