Sleep Safely: Proven to Reduce Night-time Falls


  • Is Aging In Place Viable With Dementia?

    As more aging-friendly home solutions become available, more and more seniors are choosing to age in place. However, this decision does not come as easily for elderly people with dementia. This isn’t a surprise since having dementia comes with specific needs that don’t apply to other seniors. 
  • Steps Towards Aging in Place

    Old age. It happens to everyone. As we age, we are no longer able to do the things we once were able to in our youth. Biking in your early twenties with your friends to the nearest cafe was some of the best times of your life - now that you aren’t able to do that, and it might make you a little sad. You may also be aware of the stigma surrounding old age.
  • Product Review of Step2Bed Step Stool

    The Step2Bed step stool is great for people having difficulty getting in or out of today's tall beds.